Worship Arts Community

  • To lead the church in worship, glorifying God in His presence

  • Musicians, dancers, visual and technical artists

  • A family of worshipers who use our gifts to create environments to encounter God.

  • His Presence: A consistent picture of God's heart in the Bible is to presence Himself with His people. As ones reconciled to God, through Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit, we worship and respond from this truth with our lives. (Romans 12:1, Revelation 21:3, Psalm 16:11)

    Character: We want to be soft and servant hearted towards the Lord and towards one another, walking in integrity and humility. (1 Timothy 4:12, Psalm 15:2, Galatians 5:22-24)

    Community: Knowing one another and being known by one another. We are committed to each other, pursuing the same heart and vision together. It's what sustains us. (Psalm 133, Hebrews 10:24)

    Honour: We recognize and affirm how valuable and powerful people are because they are made in His image. (Romans 21:10, 1 Samuel 2:30)

    Excellence: As a holy nation of God's own possession, we bring our best in everything that we do, so that we might proclaim his excellence in whatever capacity we are able, stewarding God-given gifts to lead others effectively for His glory and our joy. (1 Peter 2:9, Colossians 3:23, 1 Peter 4:10, 2 Timothy 1:6-7)

Want to get involved? Follow the steps below.





We’ll contact you to audition!

Regarding Step 3... For Musicians Only...

Please be prepard to play, sing, or harmonize to both of the indicated songs below:

What's Next? (Follow Up)

You will receive an email within 2 weeks after your audition, which will communicate:

  • Current opportunities available within the Worship Arts Community

  • An assessment of skill level (encouragement and helpful feedback)

  • Next steps to plugin or why it may not be the right fit

Multi-Generational Choir

If you have a desire to use your voice to worship Jesus alongside others, consider being a part of our Multi-Generational Choir! Fill out the Application Below to be involved! Tammy Christensen will be directing and giving leadership to the group!

Hymn Sing
